Bible Recommendations

Recommended Bibles from the Pastoral Staff at Trinity UMC

Want to get a Bible but aren't sure what to get? See below recommended Bibles for disciples of all ages! All Bibles are available for purchase at or your favorite book seller!

Pre-Kindergarten - Early Elementary

The Jesus Storybook Bible, by Sally Lloyd-Jones

Children of God Storybook Bible, by Archbishop Desmond Tutu

The Jesus Storybook Bible and the Children of God Storybook Bible are a wonderful introduction to the best stories from our Bible. They include colorful pictures and images for children to follow along and are meant to be read together. Wonderful gift for baptism and births!

Older Elementary - Teen

The Action Bible, by Sergio Cariello

The Bible as a graphic novel! Illustrated by Sergio Cariello, who has worked with Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Great for older elementary to teenage minds.

3rd Grade - 6th Grade

CEB Deep Blue Kids Bible

This engaging, interactive Bible offers four-color icons and illustrations throughout with a wealth of notes, devotionals, Bible trivia, and other interactive elements to capture inquisitive young minds.

Teenager/Young Adult

The CEB Student Bible

The CEB Student Bible is by and for young people. It invites them into deeper forms of personal and social holiness, helps them make connections between the world of the Bible and their own world, offers resources for engaging the text in personal and group study, and embodies a commitment to taking young people seriously as Christian leaders now, not just in the future. It is a resource that helps young disciples of Jesus Christ as they transform the world.

Wesley Study Bible

The CEB Wesley Study Bible

This Bible includes special notes and study resources based on the United Methodist Wesleyan tradition.

Adult Study Bible

The New Interpreter's® Study Bible

Comprehensive Study Bible that includes contributions from 60 distinguished scholars with valuable insight on the Biblical text, including the Apocrypha. Recommended for people interested in deep Biblical study.