
If you enjoy good music you have come to the right place! Whether your interest is in choral or instrumental music, Trinity offers a wide variety of opportunities for praising God. 

Trinity Children's Choirs, Chancel Choir (adult and teen) and Ringers (adult and teen handbell) welcome you. There is a place for you in our Music Ministry; a place for you to add your God-given gifts to praise our Lord in worship. 

Please consider joining us for music-making, fellowship and spiritual enrichment.  We look forward to welcoming you to our music program.

More information on our specific programs can be found below.

Trinity Chancel Choir

The repertoire of Trinity's Adult Choir is varied, drawing from the great masterworks, classical, gospel and contemporary genres. Join the Chancel Choir each Thursday evenings from 7:45-9:45 PM in the Music Suite.

Contact Linda Cancellieri, Director of Music for more information.

Trinity Children's Choirs

Singing, ringing our set of Malmark Choir-chimes and melody bells, signing and playing rhythm instruments are all part of the music program for Kindergarten through seventh graders. Learning music notation, pitch matching and rhythm basics, vocal technique, diction and part-singing, as well as memorizing hymns and liturgy are also taught. A musical production in the Spring has been part of the choir experience. Music games and activities make rehearsals fun!  The Choirs participate in worship and sing at the Christmas Eve 5PM family service. New members are always welcome. 

Contact Linda Cancellieri, Director of Music for more information.

Trinity Ringers

Trinity Ringers is an adult and teen Handbell Choir ringing three octaves of Malmark Bells and three octaves of Malmark Choirchimes. The Ringers participate in worship once a month in addition to providing music for special occasions. Trinity Ringers offers instrumentalists an opportunity for music-making and fellowship. We welcome new ringers! Substitute ringers are invited to participate as well. Private coaching is available.  

We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:30 in the Sanctuary.

Contact Linda Cancellieri, Director of Music for more information.