We invite you to observe a holy Lent and celebrate Easter at Trinity.

  • Lenten Sermon Series: Hungry: What are we hungry for?

    You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you. (St. Augustine) In the same way we need food to sustain our physical bodies, we also need spiritual food for our souls. We hunger for spiritual depth, for true identity, and purpose to nourish and sustain us. In this series we will talk about what it means that we are created to be in relationship with God. We will encourage you to practice spiritual disciplines that train us in faithfulness.

  • Lenten Small Groups

    “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) This Lenten season we invite you to join a small group! Small groups are an intentional group of people whose purpose is to deepen their relationship with Jesus and with each other. Small groups will meet weekly for 6 weeks from March 9 - April 13, 2025. Each small group will have a facilitator who will help lead the bible study. The study will be based on the book Soul Feast by Marjorie Thompson and will follow the Lenten Sermon series Hungry. Contact the Church Office at office@trinityalexandria.org for additional questions or concerns.

  • “Out of the Dust” Lenten Devotionals

    Have you ever heard God’s voice speaking to you in and through music? Has music ever made you feel as if you were in touch with something bigger than yourself?

    During the season of Lent, we encourage you to participate in an email or text devotional. This year’s devotional is called “Out of the Dust.” A group of pastors (including Pastor Grace) worked together to create a devotional that is inspired by the power of music to point us to God. Each entry focuses on a song (whether an intentionally religious song or a “secular” song), connects it with Scripture or the life of faith, and offers a reflection on how this song can deepen our experience of Lent and/or our life with God. Each entry will include a Spotify link to the song for the day and there is a Spotify playlist containing all the songs that will be covered in this devotional. The devotional will be send out by email or text message throughout the season of Lent (starting on Ash Wednesday) several times a week.

  • Easter Egg Hunt "Peep-a-Palooza"

    Trinity’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be Sunday, April 6. The event will begin at 2 PM with activities to follow until 3:30 PM. Children 0 – 5th grade are welcome to participate in the fun and come meet the Easter Bunny!

  • Lenten Sunday School - Bible Program

    Lenten Sunday School - Bible Program

    Lenten Sunday School Sundays, 9 Mar - 6 Apr 2025, 9:45 - 10:45 AM. (Classrooms will open at 9:25 AM for those children whose parents are participating in the Sunday morning Lenten Small Group.) We plan to offer two separate bible programs for our children this spring. Children ages 3 - grade 2 will be working out of the Growing in God’s Love, A Story Bible and those in grades 3 - 5 will be using the Deep Blue Kids Bible (CEB). Children who participate in our Lenten Sunday school will receive a copy of the Bible used in their class.

  • Holy week with Beverley Hills and Del Ray UMC

    Holy Week Services with Beverley Hills UMC and Del Ray UMC:  This year, we will be observing Holy Week with two sibling United Methodist churches. We will gather as one body of Christ as we remember the last week of Jesus’ life. On Maundy Thursday we will be worshiping at 7:30 PM at Beverley Hills UMC, and on Good Friday there will be a Service of Great Agony at Del Ray UMC at Noon and worship at Trinity UMC at 7:30 PM.