Upcoming events.

See how you can get involved at Trinity!

We worship in-person and online each Sunday morning at 11 AM! Visit our Worship page for more information.

Easter Egg Hunt "Peep-a-Palooza"

Easter Egg Hunt "Peep-a-Palooza"

Trinity’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 6. Peep-a-Palooza will begin at 2 PM with easter activities including Petting Zoo to follow until 3:30 PM. Children 0 – 5th grade are welcome to participate in the fun and come meet the Easter Bunny!

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Donkey Parade & Intergenerational Breakfast

Donkey Parade & Intergenerational Breakfast

Donkey Parade & Intergenerational Breakfast: The donkeys are back! All are invited on Sunday, April 13 at 10 AM for an Intergenerational Breakfast and Donkey Parade in celebration of Palm Sunday. Bring your favorite breakfast food to share. We will wave palms and streamers, walk with donkeys, and help lead the worship parade processional at 11 AM. Contact Program Director, Kari Webber with further questions or concerns!

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Easter Sunday Worship

Easter Sunday Worship

We will gather at Trinity Church for our Easter Worship service as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! We will begin with a choral prelude led by Trinity’s Chancel Choir, accompanied by string quintet and trumpet and we will proclaim together the truth of Easter: Christ is Risen! The service will conclude with the congregation and choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah.

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Ash Wednesday Worship

Ash Wednesday Worship

Wednesday, March 5, we observe Ash Wednesday, which begins the season of Lent. Lent is a 40 day season leading up to Easter which focuses on repentance and reflection. We invite to join us at for worship, including the imposition of ashes, at 7:30. 

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Children & Family Worship

Children & Family Worship

Please join us  Sunday,March 2nd, at 10 AM for our Children & Families breakfast in the Fellowship Hall! We will be offering a light breakfast as well as information on our upcoming programs and activities in the new year. We hope this will also serve as a time for young families to connect with one another in the church. For additional questions or concerns, contact Program Director, Kari Webber.

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Children and Families Breakfast

Children and Families Breakfast

Our Christian Formation and Children's Ministry teams invite you to join us for a light breakfast before Worship on Sunday, 9 February 2025 at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We'll offer another sneak peek into what Children's Worship is like, share our plans for Advent 2025 Children's Sunday School, and spend some time getting to know one another. Families with children grade 5 and below are encouraged to attend.

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