Children’s Ministry
Come see what’s happening in Children’s Ministry at Trinity!
Sunday, April 6
Trinity’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be Sunday, April 6. The event will begin at 2 PM with activities to follow until 3:30 PM. Children 0 – 5th grade are welcome to participate in the fun and come meet the Easter Bunny!
Runs Concurrently with Big Worship on Sundays
Our Children’s Worship is tailored to meet the needs of our young Christians ages 3 through grade 3; those who have outgrown nursery, but aren’t quite ready to stay in the sanctuary for the full service. We meet in the Narthex following Children’s Time in worship and then travel upstairs to the movement and Sunday school rooms. We will return the children to the Sanctuary near the end of the worship service.
Lenten Sunday School - Bible Program
Sundays, 9 Mar - 6 Apr 2025, 9:45 - 10:45 AM. (Classrooms will open at 9:25 AM for those children whose parents are participating in the Sunday morning Lenten Small Group.) We plan to offer two separate bible programs for our children this spring. Children ages 3 - grade 2 will be working out of the Growing in God’s Love, A Story Bible and those in grades 3 - 5 will be using the Deep Blue Kids Bible (CEB). Children who participate in our Lenten Sunday school will receive a copy of the Bible used in their class. Click here to register your child/children.