
SAVE THE DATE! Mission Day - 26 April 2025, 9 AM

Many passages in scripture speak to the missionary task, but the foundation we need to remember as the reason we participate in mission work is because Jesus commissioned his followers to carry his message to the ends of the earth. 

When the resurrected Jesus appeared to his followers he chose to tell them two things: 1) Peace be with you, and 2) As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.  As God sent Jesus on a ministry of mercy to the world, so Jesus sends us, his followers, as ministers of mercy. 

Ways you can participate in Trinity UMC’s Mission Day 2025:

Donate to Bikes for the World at Trinity UMC

The mission of Bikes for the World is to make affordable, good quality used bicycles available to low-income people in developing countries. These donated bikes provide better transport for work, education, and health care. 

Sponsor an UMCOR Cleaning Kit “Flood Bucket”

Five gallon buckets filled with cleaning supplies and distributed by UMCOR crews on the ground enabling those affected by floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes to begin the overwhelming job of cleaning up.

Make Sandwiches and Trail Mix Bags for Martha’s Table at Trinity UMC

Martha’s Table is dedicated to fighting the systemic causes of health, educational, and economic disparities for all Washingtonians. Their programs foster life-long learning, increase access to healthy food, improve health and wellness, and create opportunity and economic mobility.

Make Mana Bags for Rising Hope or join us on the Rising Hope Repair Team

Help make Mana bags for those experiencing homelessness. Join us on the Rising Hope Repair Team - ASP Mission Crews complete repairs at their church.

Learn more about our Community Partners for the scope of our local missions and outreach opportunities.

For additional questions, contact our Missions Chair, Kipp Maloney.


(ALexandrians InVolved Ecumenically) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization of volunteers from over 40 religious congregations and the community working together to help those in need. Founded in 1969, ALIVE! is the largest private safety net for the needy in the city of Alexandria, addressing short-term to long-term needs for those less fortunate in our community.  ALIVE! serves thousands of Alexandrians annually with shelter; low-cost early childhood education and childcare; financial help for rent, utilities, medical care and other critical needs; emergency food; and deliveries of donated furniture and housewares. The Trinity community supports ALIVE! in several ways.  Nonperishable food donations are collected at Trinity events throughout the year for ALIVE!'s food pantry.  Trinity members and friends also participate in the annual ALIVE! Walk-a-Thon held in Old Town Alexandria.

To learn more about ALIVE!, visit www.alive-inc.org.  

Bikes for the World

Help with Bikes for the World in May, collecting bicycles to be refurbished and sent to third world countries to provide transportation. For more information, contact Gordon Johnson

Blood Drive

Trinity regularly supports INOVA's life saving blood bank services.  Inova Blood Donor Services supplies lifesaving blood and blood products to 24 different hospitals in Northern Virginia and the Washington, DC, metro area. We also work with national and international redistribution organizations to get blood where it's needed most.  Since 1965 donors like you have helped Inova provide a safe and adequate blood supply for patients in our diverse community. But today the demand for blood is increasing while blood donation levels are decreasing. We need you more than ever! For more information contact:  Carol Bowers.

Community Lodgings, Inc.

A non-profit located in the Arlandria, the poorest section of Alexandria has a mission to lift families from homelessness and instability to independence and self-sufficiency.  They take homeless families from the shelters and over a two-year period  provide apartments and intensive case management and other  services for 14 homeless families at a time, helping them to reach the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency. Community Lodgings also works with over 90 homeless and low-income children and their parents each day at their Family Learning Center, ensuring that they increase academic achievement and decrease at-risk behavior. Trinity supports Community Lodgings through 1) an annual financial contribution and 2) the Fannie Mae “Help the Homeless” walkathon… each Autumn our Trinity members are asked to sponsor a child for $15 and an adult for $25 in the Trinity  “Help the Homeless Mini-Walk”  where the youth and adults  of the church participate in an educational program about homelessness and then walk on behalf of Community Lodgings’ homeless families. Click here to learn more about Community Lodgings.

Rising Hope

Rising Hope is a United Methodist ministry to the homeless and disenfranchised in the Route One corridor.  Trinity supports Rising Hope through an annual financial contribution, as well as by collecting food and clothing for donation.  Ongoing, except for the months of April and November.  Rising Hope contact:  Jenessa Stokes.

Angel Tree

Sponsor a child on the Angel Tree at Christmas time by buying toys, books, clothes, or a special gift for a child in need. Program Description and Impact:  Angel Tree is a personalized holiday assistance program in which an individual sponsor or group sponsor purchases new clothing and toys for a deserving child (or “Angel”) in need. For many of our registered kids, the gifts they receive through the Angel Tree Program will be the only ones they open on Christmas morning.  For more information on Trinity's Angel Tree Program contact Kipp Maloney, Missions Chair.